The Breach 3-6-9 is a net with a difference, consisting of 3 sections, capable of being used at differing lengths, the ultimate net for those that fish a variety of different methods and venues.When fished with 1 section, measuring 3ft this is the ultimate Boat net. The shorter handle is easily maneuverable and far more efficient at netting the largest of Carp from the boat. The net handle incorporates a shrink wrap grip on the 1st section for maximum grip.When 2 sections are used, the net handle measures 6 ft, the perfect length for fishing from the bank in normal circumstances.At full length, the net measures 9ft. Catering perfectly for anglers who fish zigs, the extra reach helps when landing fish with long zig hook links or when you need a further reach past any bankside vegetation.The net packs away extremely compactly, thanks to the 3-piece construction, whether it be in your rod bag or stink bag.